My Personal Web Tech Stack: Next.js static export, Github pages & Contentful CMS (+Webhook)

Tags: tech, next.js, github pages, github actions, github, contentful, webhook

Previously, I used a very wonky way to write & host my blogs using next.js, you can read it here.

Now I want to consistently write blog post, build in public, learn in public, and maybe write something out of the topic of tech - like my hobby of hiking, and my interest in theology.

The Tech Decision

Why I used sqlite and a different branch previously? Because I want to host statically on Github Pages. That's my edgy way of saying I am not using Vercel - but really I was just shooting myself in the foot with that wonky solution.

So I decided to change to an easier version, I was thinking about using wordpress - it's free and has an open API built in. But decided to use contentful just because I usually use this on my job.

But for all of you reading, Astro.js is actually the best solution for this kind of work - you can write .md files locally, and it'll be converted to html pages with slug and everything, on build time - and it's static web page by default

Tech Used

Next.js as Web Framework

I am most comfortable working with React, at the time I created this web Next.js is on the rise - so I used it to learn

ShadCN & Aceternity as Component Library

ShadCN just works amazingly with Next.js.

Contentful as CMS

Contentful is a great CMS, and their free tier is plentiful enough for me.

I decided contentful because webhook

Github Pages as Hosting Solution

I just want to be different, instead of hosting on Vercel - why not make my life harder by statically exporting it and host it on Github Pages?

The Conclusion

Should've just used astro.js