
Rezha Bahari

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Full Stack Developer with a design in mind

Ideation. Wireframing. UI/UX. Coding. Testing. Deployment.
Continuous integration. Continuous Deployment.

main tech stack:

As a full stack developer, I am involved in all process of development. Starting with ideation, to wireframes, UI/UX designs, then coding, testing, deployment and it ends with Continous Integration and Contious Deployment (CI/CD).

I am excited to talk about tech. Anything open source. Linux. Web development. Low level coding. Game development. 3D. Graphic design. Animation.

Outside of coding, I sometimes hike, Am very interested in theology and islamic history, and I try being a great father and husband to my little family.


Platon (PT.Sinergi Rajawali)

Full Stack Web Developer | December 2023 - Present

  • Perigigi - Created a separate dev environment, 1:1 with production (database, auth hash & the entire codebase)
  • Perigigi - Created a serverless HTTP route handler, to integrate government API
  • Perigigi - Created a serverless scheduled function, to automate document & API processes
  • Perigigi - General bug fixing and feature additions, big features I added are: Odontogram, Instalment payment option, Dashboard statistics



Looking to work with me? Don't worry, I got you covered:

1. Ideation & Wireframing. We'll start by wireframing your ideas to canvas, making sure the MVP as well as the deadlines are clear

2. Coding. I'll start to code and we'll have a conversation along the way.

3. Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment. MVP finished, continues to integrate new features, and continues to deliver


Rezha Bahari 2024